[ step 4 ]


"Andorra's future is achieved through hard work"

Recovering old activities such as viticulture and carrying them out with talent, innovation and expertise also add to making a new county.

«Wines should speak and, therefore, express the feeling that you have for this country, this territory»

Joan Albert Farré

Founder of the Borda Sabaté winery

"Què ningú ens pugui dir que no som capaços de fer la feina com els millors"

La seva passió pel vi va ser el fonament per crear el celler Borda Sabaté. Avui produeix vins extrems que han estat reconeguts amb premis internacionals.

Esteve Tor

Co-director of the Casa Auvinyà winery

"Tomorrow I want to see a balanced Andorra in terms of landscape"

Esteve is part of a 100% family-run oenology business. They make wine just as their grandfather did with a commitment to research and the application of technology.

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[ step 5 ]


"We have to work for a change for the better"

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[ step 5 ]


"The Andorra of the future is the one we are building today"

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[ step 5 ]


"I want a host country without hang-ups"

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[ step 6 ]


"Young people like me are coming with the desire to start a business and help Andorra"

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[ step 1 ]


"We're a small country with huge opportunities"

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[ step 2 ]


"Our job involves imagining the future"

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[ step 3 ]


"No idea lasts forever, you have to reinvent yourself"

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